This month we will talk about kilns. From their importance during the manufacturing process of both bricks and tiles, to new kilns and trends we can find nowadays. We have asked some questions to our ceramics experts and here is what they have told us.
Temaer: Question of the month, Clay additives, kilns
Decoration in ceramics has experienced a number of changes in the last decades. We have seen some hand-made decoration replaced by automated systems when higher production rates were demanded. Flat screens evolved to automated rotating screens, allowing higher production rates and better application results. With an intermediate solution based on gravure silicon rollers, most of the factories today are using inkjet technology.
Temaer: Decorative, ceramic trends, printing
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What are the latest trends in decorative ceramics?
By Yaiza Paños 07-Feb-2019 16:15:06
Last week we were lucky enough to visit one of the most important ceramic events in Spain, Cevisama, where we could foresee what the future of ceramics will look like. During 5 days, manufacturers exhibit their products, where large sizes and high definition printing continue to reign. So, what are the main trends we could see there?
Temaer: Question of the month, Decorative, cevisama, ceramic trends
Clay bricks have featured as a construction product for thousands of years with evidence of their use dating as far back as the time of the Roman Empire. It is a material prevalent across the UK's built environment today and continues to be a fundamental ingredient in modern architecture.
Temaer: Structural, Clay additives, optimization, bricks
In today’s question of the month we talk about bricks and challenges of manufacturing. During last year we wrote several articles on bricks; how to optimize production, how to increase extrusion rates and how to reduce cracking... This month we will talk about brick manufacturing and how to improve the process.
Temaer: Structural, Question of the month, Clay additives, bricks
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: Frequently Asked Questions - clay conditioners
By Yaiza Paños 13-Dec-2018 07:07:00
We're getting very close towards the end of the year and inspired by the Christmas lights and the chilly weather we have decided to make a "Question of the Month - Christmas Edition". In this special edition we have gathered all of the questions received during the year to prepare a Top 5 FAQs regarding clay conditioners. Are you curious about clay conditioners? Keep reading!
Temaer: Structural, Question of the month, Decorative, Clay additives
Like any other sector, the refractory industry is developing to become more environmentally conscious. New efforts and technologies are driving this mentality in the sector. However, there is always room for improvement. We are going to go over some of the major technology improvements in the refractory industry.
Temaer: Refractory
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: How can I reduce the drying time of my production?
By Yaiza Paños 08-Nov-2018 13:15:00
Reducing the drying time of ceramic production is something that many manufacturers aim. However, it is not easy as it requires optimizing the drying parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, and air movement. It involves many variables, but we can tell you some effective tips to acheive your objectives.
Temaer: Structural, Question of the month, Decorative, Drying, Clay additives, optimization
The last week of September you could visit two of the most exciting Ceramic exhibitions in the world. This year, we visited both Cersaie and Tecnargilla and we could appreciate some interesting trends in the clay and the decorative tile market.
Temaer: Decorative, events, cersaie
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: How does a clay conditioner work and what is the benefit?
By Yaiza Paños 05-Oct-2018 15:30:00
Using a clay conditioner can help in different ways depending on what stage of the production process you use it in, what type of clay you have or even the type of clay conditioner itself.
Temaer: Structural, Question of the month, Decorative, Clay additives