Market trends are not easy to predict, but sometimes they are even difficult to evaluate in hindsight. The popularity of large ceramic tiles was initially a result of creative Italian producers experimenting with their product. Why they became so popular is still subject to discussions, but their impact on the market means that manufacturers need to adjust their business models to be competitive.
Temaer: Decorative, large tiles
How to reduce scumming from structural bricks without Barium Carbonate?
By Jonathan Savage 09-May-2017 13:02:00
Although the EU have downgraded Barium Carbonate from "Poisonous" to "Harmful If Swallowed", it is still treated as a toxic material in various countries across the world. However, its position as the most useful additive for the elimination of salt scumming from clay bricks and tiles is unchanged. For those countries where barium is prohibited, or due to increases in price and reduced availability, manufacturers look for alternatives.
Temaer: Structural, Scumming
Increasing Extrusion Rate in brick and roof tile manufacturing
By Jonathan Savage 28-Mar-2017 13:04:00
In modern brick production, massive investments in infrastructure and machinery dictate the way we make bricks and roof tiles, i.e it will take a lot of effort (not to mention a lot of money) to rearrange a production line or buy new equipment. Still, optimizing production is always a subject of attention. Given a fixed production line, a technical manager soon runs out of options when trying to produce more bricks or tiles. However, leaning on modern chemistry, it is possible to increase the extrusion rate significantly.
Temaer: Structural, Clay additives, extrusion
Hard trends in tile production clash with geopolitical issues when we try to explain the reasons why producers look for alternatives to Ukrainian clay these days.
Temaer: Decorative
Welcome to the blog, brought to you by Borregaard. This is your weekly update on ceramic manufacturing tips and trends. With this blog we aim to share our knowledge regarding ceramic process optimization. Here you will find articles that will help you solve the issues you might find during your production process, as well as keeping you informed about some of the trends, curiosities and latest news in the ceramic world.
Temaer: Other