Why is sustainable ceramic production important?

By Yaiza Paños 29-Mar-2018 07:31:00

In August 2017, humans had already used up more natural resources than the Earth could renew for the whole year. This means that last year, humanity lived on “credit” from the Earth from August to December. There are studies predicting a consumption of 2 whole planets every year by the year 2050.  Our ecological footprint as a society is increasing and we are reaching Earth Overshoot day each year earlier.  You can calculate your ecological footprint and surprise yourself with how many planets you would need to keep up with your lifestyle. Our planet is crying out for help and we need to understand the urge for a more sustainable style of living.

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Temaer: Clay additives, Ceramics, Other, Sustainability

Welcome to the improvingceramics blog from biokeram

By Yaiza Paños 23-Mar-2017 10:00:00

Welcome to the improvingceramics.com blog, brought to you by Borregaard. This is your weekly update on ceramic manufacturing tips and trends. With this blog we aim to share our knowledge regarding ceramic process optimization. Here you will find articles that will help you solve the issues you might find during your production process, as well as keeping you informed about some of the trends, curiosities and latest news in the ceramic world. 

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Temaer: Other

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A blog from BioKeram

BioKeram is a new range of products from Borregaard, the world's leading supplier of high performance biopolymers to the ceramics industry, with more than 50 years experience in the ceramics market. With this blog we aim to share our knowledge regarding ceramic process optimization.

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