Large and thin tiles are one of the most important trends in the ceramics market right now, as we have already talked about in this blog. However, the manufacturing of these thinner tiles can be tricky, and maintaining the quaity is a challenge.
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: How can I make my tiles thinner maintaining the strength
By Yaiza Paños 02-Aug-2018 07:30:00
Temaer: Question of the month, Decorative, large tiles, Plasticity
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: How can we measure results of a clay conditioner?
By Yaiza Paños 05-Jul-2018 07:04:00
Clay conditioners can bring several benefits to your production process, but how can you measure effectively its effects on your specific process? We have asked this question to our R&D experts in the ceramic lab and this is what they have answered.
Temaer: Structural, Question of the month, Decorative, Clay additives
Once you have decided that using a clay additive will be the best solution for your production problem, you have to decide what quantity is the best for your specific production process.
Temaer: Structural, Question of the month, Clay additives
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: Where is the best place to add a ceramic additive?
By Yaiza Paños 03-May-2018 16:23:00
One of the most frequently asked questions we get is where to introduce the clay additive during the manufacturing process. This month we will recommend you where to place your conditioner.
Temaer: Question of the month, Decorative, Clay additives
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: Will the additive block my extruder if there's a production break?
By Yaiza Paños 05-Apr-2018 14:00:00
When it comes to the use of ceramic additives, we must be 100% sure that the one that we are using is the best for their production process. We have talked about different ways to optimize ceramic production processes in several blog articles and we even wrote a blog post on the benefits of using additives in a brick production. However, we have received many questions about how additives can affect a manufacturing process. We will try to answer all of the questions as well as we can. This month's question is: "will the additive block my extruder if there's a production break?"
Temaer: Structural, Question of the month, extrusion
Tile sizes have been increasing lately not only because large tiles have become a trend, also because of the improvement in the technology that allows to make these tiles. In some of our blog posts we already talked about trends in the market and about avoiding breakage in large tiles but, how big can a tile reach to be?
Temaer: Question of the month, Decorative, large tiles