When it comes to the use of ceramic additives, we must be 100% sure that the one that we are using is the best for their production process. We have talked about different ways to optimize ceramic production processes in several blog articles and we even wrote a blog post on the benefits of using additives in a brick production. However, we have received many questions about how additives can affect a manufacturing process. We will try to answer all of the questions as well as we can. This month's question is: "will the additive block my extruder if there's a production break?"
First of all, we suggest you contact with an expert to help you choose the best additive for your specific production process. Not all additives work in the same way or affect the process in the same way. So, having said this, we will talk about how our products work.
Due to the lubricant performance of our products, even after a long break, there will be no issue when resuming activity. Dry clay can be a real problem if it is not taken out of the extruder die when breaks appear in the process. Our biopolymers will not affect the extruder after a production break.
However, if you are curious about how to improve the lubrication of the molds you can read this blog post. We also recommend this very interesting article on extending the working life of parts in brick and tile forming equipment.
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