Borregaard best at sustainability reporting

Borregaard best at sustainability reporting

- We see this as a recognition of how we report Borregaard's sustainability work. Sustainability is a key component of our business model and one of our core values. We are close to the issues in all parts of the organisation, both in top management and in all departments and functions, says CEO of Borregaard Per A. Sørlie.

In the ESG 100 report, sustainability information is given from one to four points within the sub-areas of environment, social and governance. The companies are then assigned an overall grade on a scale from A to F. The extent to which the company shares decision-relevant sustainability information is assessed. The information must, among other things, be understandable, concrete and based on established standards.


About Borregaard
Borregaard operates one of the world's most advanced and sustainable biorefineries. By using natural, renewable raw materials, we produce advanced and environmentally friendly biochemicals that can replace oil-based products in sectors such as agriculture and aquaculture, construction, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, foodstuffs, batteries and biofuels.

We employ 1100 man-years in plants and sales offices in 13 countries throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas.


About Position Green Group
Position Green Group, formerly The Governance Group in Norway, is a total supplier of sustainability services with operations throughout Scandinavia. The results in the ESG 100 report are quality assured in collaboration with academia, investor communities and individual companies.