Borrechel improves foliar nutrient uptake
In addition to its complexing capacity, Borrechel offers other functionalities that are key to ensuring proper micronutrient foliar uptake.
Borrechel products contain a lignin-based biopolymer with natural surface-active tension properties which provide good distribution of the micronutrient over the leaf surface without the need for additional adjuvants.
Leaf transversal section
Borrechel's contained biopolymer reduces surface tension of the foliar spray.
In foliar nutrition it is key to keep the nutrient in a water-soluble form to ensure diffusion, leaf penetration and prevent crystallisation or precipitation which can lead to leaf scorching.
The biopolymer present in Borrechel is hygroscopic. This helps keep nutrients in water-soluble form so that they can diffuse and penetrate into the leaves, even in a low humidity environment.
A zinc (Zn) sulfate spray residue remains dry in a low humidity environment (33% RH) while Zn sulfate formulated with Borrechel was able to capture humidity from the air and remain moist and active to facilitate foliar uptake.
Borrechel availability and packaging
Borrechel micronutrients are available as powder in small bags or big bags. We also offer granulated grades in big bags.