Pig feed
Softacid® can be used instead of conventional organic acids in pig feed and offers the farmer a number of unique benefits.
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Piglet feed
Softacid® is a unique and efficient acidifier for piglet feed. piglets have a fragile digestive tract, which is why we have developed a specific blend for them, containing both lactic and formic acid.
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Drinking water systems
Softacid® products work very well in drinking water systems for both poultry and pigs. these acidifiers offer a strong ph effect with less corrosion problems than pure acids, and also give a high antimicrobial effect.
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Wet feeding
Softacid® gives very good results in wet feeding systems, where yeasts and bacteria can grow easily.
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Pelleting aids
Pellet binders and lubricating aids with a wide range of benefits to compound feed producers.
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