A sustainable pellet binder for aquafeeds
Intact Aqua™ is a new, environmentally friendly pellet binder that has been formulated especially for the aquafeed industry. The product can replace PMC/synthetic binders in different types of aquafeeds, without compromising on water stability.
One of the main challenges for a shrimp feed producer is to reach the desired conditioning temperature, which is essential to fully utilise the binding properties of the natural components. Intact Aqua allows production at a higher temperature (e.g. 105°C) without compromising valuable key nutrients and process equipment.
Furthermore, Intact Aqua enables more stable operating conditions, with fewer blockages and a more constant resistance in the die, which lead to less variation and reduced amount of fines in the finished product.
Intact Aqua should be used at the same inclusion rate as synthetic binders.
- Optimum water stability
- A sustainable alternative to PMC/synthetic binders
- Possible to produce pellets at higher temperatures
- Low inclusion rate (from 0.3%)
- Stable operating conditions
- Reduced energy consumption and/or higher production rate
- Cost-effective
More on pelleting aids
Your guide to pelleting
Pelleting is the process of converting finely ground mash feed into dense, free flowing pellets or capsules. in this in-depth article we look at the art and science of pelleting. learn how the industry started, how pellets are made, and what ingredients and aids you need to produce high quality pellets.
Testing pellet quality
Borregaard recommends the new holmen pellet tester, as it provides a more rigorous test and accurately predicts the degradation that pellets experience during transport and handling.
Feed pellet quality factor
It is well known that various raw materials have a different effect both on pellet quality and throughput. therefore, changes in formulations might dictate adjustments in operating conditions, like steam pressure, meal temperature, energy input, inclusion of pellet binders etc.